April Showers Bring What?

You know how they say “April showers bring May flowers?” Why do they never mention what else April showers bring? The pollen. The mud. The grass that incessantly needs cut (seriously, like every 4 days). Let’s not forget the biggest bane of our existence: the “I need to spring clean” feeling.

You go through the phonebook, looking for that power washing company which cleaned your house something like 10 years ago. So that’s the outside done…but you’ve gotta tackle the curtains and the dreaded windows. Those windows that are probably the original ones that were installed when the house was built. Best case scenario: they’re replacement windows, but they’re still old. Really old. They don’t open anymore; they aren’t the spiffy, tilt-in kind they have now. They’re just really awful windows. So, what do you do?

Back to the phonebook you go. Then, to the internet to check reviews, because after that home improvement company closed last year, you definitely aren’t taking your chances with a company that could possibly do the same thing to you as they did their customers. You set up a few estimates (they’re all free, after all), and you patiently wait.

The power washing company comes out and cleans the siding, you just had that replaced maybe 5 years ago. But, in the process, they crack a window. So now it’s even more urgent that you get a reputable company out here to replace your windows. Apparently, April showers also bring new windows.